Street view photo

site-specific multimedia installation

Video projection sculpture atop the roof of Galeria Comercial, San Juan, Puerto Rico during the opening of the show Scott Roberts & Yael Bartana on August 14, 2003. The arches were eight feet tall, twelve feet wide and one foot thick, and carved out of styrofoam.

The installation was inspired by a trip to a Home Depot outside San Juan. A window in the gardening department perfectly framed the arches of a neighboring McDonald's sign, providing a near-religious vision. The animation of the glowing golden arches was rendered in a 3D animation program, using a stock "gold" reflective texture. The sculpture was mounted on the roof of the building occupied by Galeria Comercial and M&M Proyectos, and was visible throughout a large section of Old San Juan.

Special thanks to Francisco "Tito" Rovira Rullan, director of Galeria Comercial, Chemi Rosado Seijo, and especially Jesus "Bubu" Negron for their help in constructing and installing the sculpture, and to Keiler Sensenbrenner for her help and documentation.

View other still image (click image to view large version):

View Quicktime movies:

Rooftop video - click image to view/download 5.2MB Quicktime movie

Street view video - click image to view/download 12.2MB Quicktime movie

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